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R Mentoring Program ( Join Us - Start on Your Schedule)  

My unique R-Guru mentoring program assumes no prior R knowledge.  This comprehensive program includes: installing R and RStudio, familiarizing the basics of R, understanding R's data structures, learning the basics of data import and manipulation, and finally practicing data reporting and visualization.  At the end of completing all weekly hands-on exercises, you will earn the R Clinical Trials Certificate!  E-mail me your R questions!    

A. R-Guru Weekly Videos & Exercises (Install RStudio, Learn R, password required)

Video 1What is R, Getting Data into R Video 5DPLYR for SQL and %>% Piping
Video 2ViewCreate Vars, Data Frames and Manage Data Frames Video 6Create SDTMs
Video 3Join, Summarize and Transpose Data Frames Video 7Create ADaMs
Video 4Tidyverse Data Management Operations Video 8Tables, Graphs

B. R-Guru Class Weekly Structure

Mentoring Program: 1:1 Web Sessions + Student Journal + Videos + Hands-on Exercises



Mathura Ramanathan, Statistical Programming & CDISC Standards Consultant

R-Guru.com is a wealth of treasures and information for anyone who is motivated to get ready for R.

Amole Palande, Director, Statistical Programming at Chinook Therapeutics, Inc. A Novartis Company

I enjoyed learning R and believe I will be able to leverage/advance this knowledge as needed in my career.

Ekaterina Rudenko, Statistician

I liked that there was a lot of information packed in a precise manner. I feel like I learned a lot in just those 6 weeks.

Master Concepts: Getting Started with R, Data Structures, R Packages and Scripts, Descriptive Statistics, Statistical Graphs, Working with Messy Data, Conditionals, Controls and Functions, SQL and R

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